Friday, November 24, 2006

My Little Petri Dishes

This fall and winter have been banner seasons for us in that the boys (and Patrick and I) have seemed to catch every cold virus that has ever existed. We are able to go to maybe one event every couple of weeks or so (to pick up whatever is going around) and then the boys manage to spread the illness out for a couple of weeks, catching it from one another, before we go back out to pick up the next cold. Right now the boys are both recovering from double ear infections. But despite all the unpleasant fevers and snotty noses, the boys have been able to stay pretty chipper (I can't say the same for their mom!).

This last cold which resulted in the ear infections has been a particularly protracted illness. Sam caught the cold first, and had it five days before Eli came down with it. I thought Eli might escape unscathed, but no such luck. But for a while there Eli was having a great time, while Sam was a bit miserable. One day I sat them down for lunch, gave them some Cheerios, and had to go do something else for a few minutes, when I came back, Sam had eaten all his Cheerios, and promptly fallen asleep in his chair. Poor sick little boy!

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