Friday, October 03, 2008

Things Run Afowl...

An event that has been highly anticipated in our household has finally arrived with the morning mail. Eleven frantically peeping, day-old ducklings came in one small cardboard box. The next two days were a little chaotic until my neighbor came and took six of them off my hands for her home flock, and now things have settled down a little bit.

They pretty much just eat, sleep, poop and 'try' to preen themselves, with hilarious results, and make a gigantic mess for such tiny little creatures. But they are already growing so fast in the few days that they have been here (which they should, for as much food as they put away). They boys and I have been enjoying watching their antics, whereas Patrick and Annie are still reserving judgement. Once the duck egg omelets arrive though, I'm sure they will both come around. In just a few, um, months.

Here are our five little girls (one is under the pile). Aren't they cute?

And here are boys wishing our five little ducks good night. We'll see how this little foray into self-sustainability goes over the next few weeks...


Jean Joiner said...

ducks? are you keeping them as pets? the boys are so cute.

Julia said...

Well, we got them for the eggs, but I'm sure they will make great (albeit messy) pets, too.