Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Much Belated and Long Awaited Catch-Up

Well, Nana has informed me that it has been almost HALF A YEAR since our last post, and as the public has been screaming for pics of the cutest boys in the world, I guess it's time for an update. Sorry I'm so behind--but you try keeping up with these guys!

November (that would be last year...) started off with a visit from Nana and Mo. I can't remember anything that happened, but I'm sure that we had fun!

We also took a trip to Nashville for cousin Charlotte's baptism, and I'm sure we did some Thanksgiving stuff, but again, I can't remember.

The boys had a wonderful time, playing in Grandmama's red rocker, seeing lots of family, and going to the park with cousin Charlotte.

The boys really loved the swings!

Whew! On to December...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...