Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Over the River and Through the Woods...

A couple of weeks ago we went up to Nashville for a visit to Grandmama's and to celebrate Aunt Heather's birthday. The boys recognized Grandmama right away and had a great time. We went to Phillips Toy Mart to play with all the toys and to see the Easter bunnies. Here is Eli squealing at the bunnies (looks like he speaks their language). If only he had known Mr. Buns...

Sam and Eli were a little too young for most of the toys (and the trains were definitely not cool, and elicited some cries of distress--don't worry boys, you'll love them later!) but they enjoyed looking at all the lights and sounds and people.

Here's Eli tottering on a little truck. He already can't wait until he gets his driver's license...

Thanks, Grandmama for a great trip--and Happy Birthday, Aunt Heather! We already can't wait for our next visit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures !!!
Mo and Nana want to see pics of the swimming pool!!!